Accessing Your Fan Account

How to Access Your Fan Account

Your fan account is where you can make changes to your account settings, access all of your purchases, see your cart, and change a variety of different settings. You can find and access your Fan Account at the bottom of your Rhythmic Rebellion account on the Music Player shown below.

Once you click on Fan Account, a pop out window on the left hand side of the screen will appear as shown below. This is where you can change any number of settings associated with your account. You can also complete purchases, contact us, and even 

Help - Navigate to help articles to resolve any issues that you might be having with your fan account. If you click on the "Knowledge Center," button on the pop out screen, you can search for articles using keywords like "Fan Account," or "Playlist," but also check out most searched.
Profile Settings - Here you can change your email and password, add a picture, change your address and contact info, and change your interests & language.
My Cart - This is where your pending purchases are located. You can complete a purchase with all the items in your cart or just a few of the checked items.
My Purchases - Here you will see everything you have ever purchased on Rhythmic Rebellion
Listening Settings - Change song commentary, introductions, and explicit material settings.
Favorite Genres - Choose your favorite genres, change the genres you like, or update your favorite genres as you find new music.
Communication Settings - Your communication settings are how you allow artists to contact you, have your email, and what artists you are subscribed to.
Miscellaneous - Miscellaneous settings can be found here.
MxRR Song Mixer Studio - Clicking on the MxRR Song Mixer Studio will take you to a separate page where you can use our custom stem track mixer to create your own mix of your favorite artists songs. 
Contact Us - Click here to contact the Rhythmic Rebellion user support team.
Log Out - Click log out to exit your account.

Go To Creator Site Button

At the bottom of your Fan Account settings, the "Go To Creator Site" button will take you to 

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